
The East Terrace

Mae gwefan ddychanol ragorol The East Terrace wedi ehangu i gynnwys adran adolygiadau. Yno, mae adolygiadau cynhwysfawr o ddau lyfr sydd wedi'u cyhoeddi'n ddiweddar am Gamp Lawn Cymru, sef llyfr Paul Rees, Year of the Dragon, a'r llyfr swyddogol, Breathing Fire (Team Wales? Ych!)

Mae'n werth darllen gweddill y wefan hefyd, achos mae'n llawn clasuron. Un o'r goreuon yw "We'll always rule the rugby world," says triumphant Wales

"We'll always dominant rugby, especially in Europe," beamed an ecstatic WRU member just hours after scores from Phil Bennett, Gareth Edwards and Steve Fenwick saw Wales secure her third Grand Slam of the decade by defeating France 16-7. "Apart from the odd game against France and New Zealand, I can't see where we can go wrong," added Ivor Jenkins, a fan who watched the championship game from the West Terrace of Cardiff Arms Park. "Our supply of talented world class players seems like it will never end."

The annual dominance of Wales and France (the French were also in line for the Slam) has led to calls for the fixture list to be rearranged and have these two giants face each other on the final weekend of the tournament to keep up fan interest. The WRU have declared it a time for "putting up the old feet, slapping backs and taking it all in".

Llwyddo i gymryd y piss mas ohonon ni'n hunain a Lloegr mewn un dyfyniad. Penigamp.